Who we are

We started in a cramped dorm room at Johnson & Wales University, Rhode Island, trying to make cheap whiskey drinkable. Ginger beer was our answer

Eventually, someone got the idea to make our own, and after a number of mishaps… mostly bottles exploding in refrigerators and under beds… Island Girl was born. We were encouraged to enter it into the University’s Food & Beverage All Star Competition, a Shark Tank-like program, which we won nearly a year later, and we were encouraged to start the company for real after that.

We’re now here, in our home-state of Florida, as Citrus Coast Brands, with our flagship brew, Island Girl Ginger Beer.

Today our goals are a bit different from when we started. While hiding cheap liquor is all well and good, there are much more important things to us. As a small business, we want to support our community in Northeast Florida by driving our fans to our favorite restaurants and bars. More than this, we try to work with other local businesses and farms at every point in our process, from sourcing the ingredients in our drinks to having old friends from high school design the art on our cans.

With these ideals, our small team is working to get a taste of the Sunshine State into your hands with every can through Island Girl, and all the other ideas we have on the way.


Our Community

  • John Owen


  • John Owen


  • Beth Jacks


Where to Find Us